Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Offering Free Classes For Adults Can Help Prevent Illness

Offering free classes for adults can help prevent illness and promote overall health. Exercise not only helps with your health but it also helps with loneliness. Many of these women have lost their husbands and are now living alone. The exercise classes at Silver Sneakers gives them a chance to receive their daily exercise, but gives them a chance to socialize. This program â€Å"is the leading population health management solution, delivering innovative physical activity and preventive health innervations designed specifically for older adults,† (pg. 83). Because this program is targeted for older adults they are more likely to join. It originated in the early 1900s in California and made its way throughout the rest of the united states, and†¦show more content†¦Aging in general is a difficult process but added a disability makes it much harder. Eddy contracted polio in the 1950s when there was an outbreak. Because of this disease he lost one leg, he grew up having t o use crutches his whole life. His family was very involved with sports, his father wanted to keep his kids strong and mentally tough. He grew up with a normal life, being involved and not felling any different. He is thankful that his dad pushed him to do his best in life with his academics and sports. He has won a gold and silver medal nine-times in the Paralympics and in the pan American Lifting Games. Growing up with a disability is difficult but it made him stronger. While in high he was involved in football and rowing, his teammates welcomed him and this made him happy. His parents were his roll models, he was a view president at a company in Philly, until losing his job. Following in his dad’s footsteps he built a gym in their house at the age of 14. Kids from around the neighborhood would come over to train, from ages 16-20. This is when he began his journey for weight lifting began. Living day by day helped him deal with the health issues he faced. Staying positive i s very important with living with a disability. Eddy has experience may things in his life that could have held him back but he kept going. Sport has helped him push boundaries and learn self-determination, his new mottoShow MoreRelatedImpact of the Economy on Suicide1255 Words   |  6 Pages Do economic classes affect the percentage of suicide rates? All types of people, rich and poor commit suicide, but suicide and suicide prevention are growing. The lives of about 4600 young people are lost because of suicide every year (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). So what is the country offering to help? There are many programs and treatments to help those who have resorted to or contemplated suicide. Specialized programs have been created, but not all are accessibleRead MoreTaking a Look at Childhood Obesity1842 Words   |  7 PagesWhat does childhood obesity means? 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