Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Illegal Immigrants Illegal Immigration - 1155 Words

Introduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people’s perspectives illegal immigrants come here to help provide for their family and don’t take to consideration to hurt the United States in anyway. While on the other hand, others believe differently by saying that illegal immigrants do come to the United States to hurt the economy and bring their drugs as well as other harmful actions.†¦show more content†¦There were teachers, students, workers, etc. who’d look down on them and say that they will never make it to a university and that they will never become someone in life. Although these students had hardl y any help while attending college or universities they still found ways to make it without any petty excuse. They managed to continue going forward and receive the degrees and careers they were aiming for. Many even went above and beyond. One of the students he interviewed named Nicole said: â€Å" I would say that if a student’s test scores, drive, motivation, good grades, responsibility, and potential is based on their success in high school or before, then I would say, foster that learning and success so that we have more productive individuals in this society. By limiting the education of an individual who is undocumented, you are limiting the potential of young people who could be great leaders.† Dream Act Around 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school every year. To which that average of 65,000 undocumented students can’t attend college, go into the military, or work because they aren t documented to which they have no social security number. In all, they have no hope. As said previously, many of these students are brought here to the United States as infants or toddlers and were raised most of their lives inside the United States to which they’re grown â€Å"American†. Usually these students are very well fluent in englishShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1100 Words   |  5 PagesIllegal immigration Over the past few years illegal immigration has become a bigger problem. Statistics reveal that more and more immigrants are entering the country illegally by crossing the borders. If something is not done soon, this may get out of hand and be to gone far not to handle. The number of illegal immigrants have gone up over the past years drastically In 2011, there were 40 million immigrants in the U.S. Of that 11.1 million were illegal. Although the number of illegalRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1286 Words   |  6 Pages Undocumented Immigration An analysis of illegal immigration in the United States reveals one challenge facing the banks and other institutions: whether to provide banking and other services to the illegal immigrants or to treat them as criminals because they are illegal and therefore, not to provide them with banking and other services. The articles, â€Å"Crossing the Line† by Stein and â€Å"Illegal Immigrants – They’re Money,† by Rodriguez discuss the impact of illegal immigration in the United StatesRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants1335 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has been one of the main topics during the last three presidential election. Many bills and laws have been passed in order to keep them out but is it really necessary to neglect illegal immigrant? Most Americans believe that illegal immigrants are only people of Mexicans or Latin American descent but illegal immigrants can be from any race or country. Illegal immigration is defined by United States Department of Homeland Security as â€Å"†¦ all foreign-born non-citizens who are notRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration964 Words   |  4 Pages Attention Step (quotation, question, or story) About four months ago in government class, we had a class discussion. The topic was illegal immigration. One student said that America should send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American’s jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the student. When it wasRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1902 Words   |  8 PagesSince the 1980s, the US government has undertaken initiatives to make its borders more non-porous to illegal immigration from its neighboring countries. The menace of illegal immigrants seeking better opportunities in the USA started reflecting in the 1970s. The migrating people are motivated by the better non-skilled or semi-skilled employment opportunities in the USA and the relatively higher remuneration for services rendered in the USA than in the neig hbor countries especially Mexico (HansonRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1073 Words   |  5 PagesGriffin Tritto Politics Paper 5/1/17 Immigration Through the past few decades, the rise of illegal immigrants has been both good and bad. The topic of illegal immigration has recently been brought up frequently by politicians, seeing the economic problems that have occurred. An â€Å"illegal† immigrant is somebody who enters a country without following the proper legal requirements to make them a citizen. Illegal immigration is not only taking place in the United States, but all over the globe.Read MoreIllegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration906 Words   |  4 PagesIllegal Immigration In Texas Border Security is a pressing issue within Texas. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border in an attempt to have a better life. No one has issues with legal immigration, but to illegally trespass into this country tends to upset many people. This issue of border security has become more prevalent with the upcoming election Illegal immigration is causing job loss to legal residents of the state because illegal immigrants are doing labor cheaper. AlsoRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration900 Words   |  4 Pagesin America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of immigrants caused many citizens to q uestion if these illegal immigrants are damaging AmericaRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants3175 Words   |  13 Pagesincreasing number of illegal immigrants in this country. Just recently Obama took executive action to shield illegal immigrants from deportation. A Texas Judge though blocked his executive action on immigration. Illegal immigration is a huge controversy here in the United States partly due to Americans thinking that illegal immigrates are taking jobs, causing lower wages, and the costs of education. In Immigration and the American Worker, George Borjas found that the presence of immigrant workers, whetherRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants1793 Words   |  8 Pagesrecent discussion s of illegal immigration, a controversial issue has been whether or not to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants in the U.S. On the one hand, some argue that amnesty shouldn’t be granted to illegal criminals. From this perspective, there are downfalls that many ignore and is unjust and stereotypical that all illegals are dangerous criminals. On the other hand, however, others argue that amnesty should be granted to illegal immigrants and how all of us are immigrants. In the words of one

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Crime Of Gun Control Essay - 2144 Words

Gun control generally refers to laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms (CITATION). The actual definition of gun control varies greatly around the world, however, this is the most Americanized and generalized definition that we’ll just stick with. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, 467,321 persons were victims of a crime committed with a firearm in 2011(Harvard Kennedy School). In the same year, data collected by the FBI show that firearms were used in 68 percent of murders, 41 percent of robbery offenses and 21 percent of aggravated assaults nationwide (Harvard Kennedy School). This data doesn’t even specifically represent nonfatal firearm related crimes. Even though illegal gun trafficking is undoubtedly tied to juvenile gun violence and other crimes like drug dealing and gang crime, legally obtaining a gun is not difficult at all and a lot of the statistics above is related to dom estic firearm crime from peoples who obtained the weapons legally. Most all people who obtain guns illegally or legally claim it is for self defense. In the state of Virginia, there is no permit to purchase, firearm registration, or owner license required for long guns or handguns. As long as one is eighteen years or older, and shows proof of citizenship, you can purchase a gun. However, our unalienable second amendment right states, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,Show MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Gun Control1632 Words   |  7 Pagesfocus on guns as the cause of the problem and try to put more regulations in place. Who would not want regulations on gun ownership and establish places where guns are prohibited, like schools, if it would prevent or help reduce these crimes from happening? However, statistics have shown that gun regulations are ineffective in reducing gun related crimes and may actually increase the occurrence of them, ultimatel y leading to an increasing death toll. The gun is not committing the crime; it is theRead MoreGuns Less Crime Gun Control1567 Words   |  7 PagesMore Guns Less Crime Gun control has become a hot topic currently. Shootings have become the new normal with today’s society, with shootings occurring on a monthly basis. It seems that guns have become a major problem, or possibly something else? Political leaders always prefer to blame the gun first and call for new laws and restrictions on firearms. There could be multiple ways to prevent such crime, but will restricting firearm ownership or banning certain types of guns stop or reduce mass shootingsRead MoreThe Fear Of Crime And Gun Control1328 Words   |  6 PagesThe fear of crime of crime a powerful thing that most people feel at some point in their life whether they are watching TV, listening to the radio or possibly reading the newspaper or even speaking to a friend. The fear as an emotional reaction characterized by a sense of danger and anxiety. To create fear of crime, the fear must be elicited by perceived cues in the environment that relate to some aspect of crime for the person. A v ery common fear related to crime is the fear of gun violence andRead MoreGun Control vs. Crime Rate1547 Words   |  7 PagesJessica Vickers Dr. Jonne Akens Engl 1302 25 February 2013 Gun Control vs. Crime Rate According to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.† In this very amendment lies the main issue of gun control. â€Å"To many, the language of the amendment appears to grant to the people the absolute right to bear arms. However, theRead MoreGun Control Will Not Reduce Crime Essay1532 Words   |  7 PagesIn Just Take Away Their Guns, author James Q. Wilson argues that Legal restraints on the lawful purchase of guns will have little effect on the illegal use of guns (Wilson 63). Wilson points out that it would be tough to remove all legally purchased guns from the streets and nearly impossible to confiscate illegally purchased guns. Gun advocate J. Warren Cassidy argues that The American people have a right to keep and bear arms. This right is protected by the Second Amendment to the Cons titutionRead MoreThe Use Of Crime And Gun Control Policies2052 Words   |  9 Pagesdebating about gun control. Topics ranging from firearm restrictions to background checks have been heavily discussed by both emotion and logic, by both gun supporters and gun control activists, and it seems like there is no middle ground for both parties to agree on. Crime rates influence guns demanded for self-protection, and guns demanded by criminals depend upon guns held by law-abiding citizens. Comparative-static analysis is used to investigate the effects of crime and gun control policies. TheRead More Gun Control Control Laws Decrease Crime Essay540 Words   |  3 Pages Gun Control Since the days of the pioneers of the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As we near the end of the 20th century the use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fast and steady increase in crime and the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control, to try to reduce the crime in the United States, has been a hotly debated issue in recent years. Although many peopleRead MoreGun Control Must Reduce Violent Crime951 Words   |  4 PagesTech school shootings. Therefore, gun control has been at the center of our country’s debate for many years. The two strong positions on gun control go as follow: The pro-gun control lawmakers believe that stricter or possibly placing a ban on gun laws would reduce violent crime. We all know that a criminal, who cannot buy guns, will steal, borrow or obtain it via other means. The anti-gun control feels that stricter or banning gun is not a solution to solve crimes; rather it place American citizensRead MoreGun Control Laws Will NOT Reduce Crime Essay1336 Words   |  6 PagesGun control laws aim to restrict or regulate firearms by selecting who can sell, buy and possess certain guns. Criminals do not obey laws and stricter gun control laws or banning guns will have little effect on reducing crimes. There are many myths about gun control reducing acts of gun violence, which are simply not true according to research. People are responsible for the crimes, not the guns themselves. Taking guns away fr om United States citizens that use them for many reasons, shooting practiceRead MoreGun Control Must Reduce Violent Crime860 Words   |  4 PagesTech school shootings. Therefore, gun control has been at the center of our country’s debate for many years. The two strong positions on gun control go as follow: The pro-gun control lawmakers believe that stricter or possibly placing a ban on gun laws would reduce violent crime. We all know that a criminal, who cannot buy guns, will steal, borrow or obtain it via other means. The anti-gun control feel that stricter or banning guns is not a solution to solve crimes; rather it put American citizens

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Functioning Of Municipal Schools Education Essay Free Essays

With the feverish competition today youth want to be perfect in whatever they attempt to make whether it is in academic surveies, athleticss or cultural activities. Therefore the instruction in A.P. We will write a custom essay sample on Functioning Of Municipal Schools Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Municipality Act 1965 under subdivision 130 with Rule 42 of Taxation and Finance, regulations appended to the APM ACL 1965, have become more flexible in the constitution of their schools and conveying flawlessness in their attack. Harmonizing to this policy the municipality can incur outgo connected with instruction on the points like preparation of instructors and care of schools etc. Aiming at flawlessness the municipal schools besides aim at excellence and that is possible by presenting the undermentioned policies: Constitution and care of schools Construction and care of school edifices Training of instructors Excellence would intend giving our best in whatever we do. Our best attempts are different from another individual ‘s best attempts, and these can non be compared because everyone has strengths and restrictions. Therefore, â€Å" instruction in the A.P. Municipality Act as mentioned in the subdivision 31, would name commissions to tap the interior resources of their staff and pupils. They would name commissions to preparation of reappraisals, and general supervision of development programmes, associating to instruction and public assistance of SCs, BCs and adult females and kids among others. The station – Independence India placed great significance on the instruction of its citizens, and making literacy to the nook and corner of the state. The establishing male parents of the state and the fundamental law shapers did non experience the necessity to do instruction a cardinal right as they thought that the State will go forth no rock unturned in doing everyone educated all literate. But the State and the cardinal Government failed to populate up to the outlook of the establishing male parents of the state and both fell level on this basic and cardinal responsibility. Education is non even mentioned explicitly as an country of nucleus concern for municipalities in A.P. and it is a gray country. It is taking cue from subdivision 31A above that the function of municipalities in â€Å" managing † instruction is restricted. The administrative map of naming caput Masterss and instructors in the municipal schools, managing and pay outing their wages, advancing and reassigning the staff, and keeping the care of the municipal schools under their direction is taken attention by the municipal governments. But most of these academic maps rest with the instruction section. The mark of cosmopolitan instruction remained a mirage with big subdivisions of the society unable to direct their small 1s to school. Even primary instruction, non to talk of higher instruction did non make the door – stairss of larger figure of people. In A.P. Municipal schools exist merely in 13 territories of the 23 territories in the province. About 2100 Municipal schools are working in the province. About 1400 primary schools, 400 Upper primary schools, and 300 Secondary schools are working in the province. Over 3.5 lakh kids are enrolled in these schools, and 8100 instructors are working in the municipal schools with teacher – student ratio of 1:45, 1:49, and 1:40 in primary, upper primary and secondary schools severally. But one tends to oppugn these pupils who are enrolled in these Municipal schools, how far they have acquired cognition in ego confidence/ one tends to oppugn the regularity of the instructors to the school and the credibleness of their work. 1.5.2 Municipal Schools in Vijayawada – Krishna District, A.P Vijayawada, besides called â€Å" Vidyalawada † ( topographic point of instruction ) occupies a big sum of the educational substructure of Andhra Pradesh. The metropolis was named â€Å" the educational Sahara † by a foreign embassador. Education in the metropolis is implemented by both the authorities and private establishments. Vijayawada Municipal Corporation ( VMC ) takes attention of the authorities educational establishments. Municipalities responsible for opening / up-gradation of schools in the urban countries are under Municipal Corporation. A Municipality is a unit for all intents. All instructors in a municipality are under one unit for intents of publicity or reversion etc. Panel commission in the municipality has the authorization for publicity of instructors. Teachers are transferred from one school to another in the same municipality. Municipal governments inspect the schools. Wages of instruction and non instruction staff are paid by the authorities. But it is reduced to the extent of educational revenue enhancement collected by the municipality. RTE Act 2009, reminds the schools to include in the course of study â€Å" basic hygiene, environmental cleanliness, good societal etiquette and political behaviour. † ( Act 6.5 ) every bit good as life accomplishments ( Act 6.6 ) together with the accent on, non merely on one ‘s rights but on one ‘s surveies specially to society. ( Act 6.8 ) ( Act 7.6 B ) insists on developing and implementing â€Å" criterions for preparation of instructors † . The policy ( 4.14 ) provinces that â€Å" thorough periodic developing the instructors are equipped with up – to – day of the month cognition and pedagogical accomplishments including the usage of new educational engineerings. In the changed and quickly altering scenario good wonts of work-ethics are inculcated † . Tendencies in registration show a clear displacement to private schools in urban countries like Vijayawada. The municipal schools slowdown behind in the undermentioned countries – deficiency of motive to the staff, hapless substructure, deficiency of sanitation installations, deficiency of topic, deficiency of equal instructors, teacher absenteeism, use of the age old methodological analysiss in learning English, faulty scrutiny system etc are some of the factors taking to hapless public presentation of pupils, ensuing in low demand for these municipal schools. It is said that instructors must make bold to larn things beyond the course of study and do acquisition gratifying utilizing some utile instruction AIDSs. There is a slow and gradual realisation among the educationalists, that the households of the hapless pupils who attend municipal schools still remain hapless in malice of their traveling to school. This is due to miss of proper learning installations in authorities schools which stick to minimum instruction. Professor Martin Woodhead besides said that there is a demand to reform authorities schools to present choice instruction at least for the interest of those hapless who will still go on to direct merely their male childs to private schools. Government schools will still be a blessing to girl child instruction. While the world reflects the above outlook what is noticed among the municipality schools is much distant and out dated from the world. Infrastructure Class suites: Insufficiency of suites to suit is a job in municipal high schools. Problems exist with respect to airing and sufficient infinite for all the kids in all the category suites. Headmaster ‘s office and staff room: In the urban municipal schools in Vijayawada there is one room that is used as the Head Master ‘s room every bit good as the office with the files stacked behind. There is no equal topographic point to hive away and exhibit the assorted shields, trophies and souvenirs won by the school and its squads. Labs: There is no sole infinite for a research lab in any of the schools visited. There are a little figure of incontrovertible AIDSs and equipment in high schools, but the same are stacked in closets inside schoolrooms. In the instance of an upgraded school, research lab equipment is being borrowed from a neighbouring school and the same is returned after presentation in the category. Library: Libraries ideally provide entree to books in add-on to the schoolroom texts and make a nexus with the developments taking topographic point outside. Storage of books in the best of municipal schools is found non satisfactory. Books are non made accessible to the pupils for whom they are meant to be extra reading stuff. Common suites for misss: The Government of India has embarked on a mission to retain misss in schools through the National Programme Education for Girls at Elementary Level ( NPEGEL ) . Urban slums in Municipalities and Corporations of the four territories including Krishna territory was covered under the programme. It was seen that such room existed in one high school, but was non being utilized for the intent. The freshly constructed suites were being used as staff suites for female instructors. Drinking H2O and Toilets: Drinking H2O for kids has non been uniformly provided in all municipal schools. Sanitation installations or lavatories in schools are shared by the pupils and the instructors. This is a cause for concern as bead out among misss is usually attributed to hapless sanitation conditions in schools. Resort areas: Due the scarceness of infinite in urban countries, it is difficult to happen municipal schools with equal infinite for drama land for the pupils. Furniture for Staff and Students: Municipal schools have been missing in furniture for its pupils. There are barely any municipal schools, at all degrees, which have been benches for all the kids. This could perchance be one of the grounds for the parents in switching their kids to private schools. Performance: Look at the consequences achieved by municipal schools over the old ages, it is found that the base on balls per centum has been a assorted bag of success and failures. Some of the pupils of VMC have excelled academically despite hardships. The public presentation of Municipal School pupils in SSC Board exams over the last three old ages is systematically on an mean 60 % . Performance of Municipal School Students in SSC Exams Year Municipal Schools All Schools No. Appeared No. Passed Pass % No. Appeared No. Passed Pass % 2008 – 09 21899 13084 59.75 799324 585781 73.28 2009 – 10 23140 13385 57.84 880252 643974 73.16 2010 – 11 22959 14607 63.62 956887 722137 75.47 As is seen from the tabular array above the public presentation of municipal schools is about 60 % while the overall public presentation in all schools is systematically about 74 % . Inspite of these consequences which indicate quantitatively good public presentation, their public presentation in English linguistic communication appears to be qualitatively hapless. As per the recent G.O. Ms No: 76 ( 2008 ) , English medium has been introduced at all degrees in municipal schools. However, the system is non adequately equipped to manage kids who wish to inscribe in English medium schools. A four twenty-four hours developing programme on Communicative English has been organized by the Education Department to all the instructors to heighten their cognition and accomplishment. But this does non look to to the full fit them to manage the categories. 1.6 The Problems of Teaching / Learning English The manner English is taught in schools, particularly in municipal and authorities schools to a great extent responsible for the lowering of the criterion of English in India. The purpose of teaching/learning English linguistic communication is surely really high and the agencies are unequal to recognize them. The followers are some of the jobs faced by the instructors of English in Municipal schools: Dearth of Competent instructors The instructors of English at municipal schools do non update themselves with the recent developments in the field of linguistics and latest methods of instruction ; hence, they are non able to learn English on par with the English instructors in the private schools. Though the instruction functionaries conduct developing programme one time a twelvemonth, the instructors give least importance to fit themselves with the latest methods of learning English. And besides these preparation programmes are conducted together along with the other capable instructors. So, the English linguistic communication instructors are non given much importance to fit themselves with the latest techniques. Job Satisfaction Teachers are non satisfied with their occupation. Most of the instructors look at their work as a load, do non take much involvement than what is compulsory. They are besides engaged in tonss of activities other than learning. They are really much comfortable utilizing the interlingual rendition method of learning English. Competence of Teachers Most of the instructors ‘ competency of English is low. They have really limited or no pre-service preparation at all and had undergone barely any in-service preparation for the English linguistic communication. They are witting of it and therefore seem to endure from low self-pride. Constraint of clip The instructors focus on syllabus completion. They do non hold sufficient clip to make other activities like brace work, group work, dramatisation etc. in the category. The instructors do non interact with the scholars. Teacher is the Centre of the linguistic communication category. Crowded Classs The size of the categories everyplace is well big and therefore, pupils ‘ engagement in the category work is rather impossible. The ratio of pupils in relation to teacher is non relative. This is one of the grounds why the instructors are unable to pay single attending to the pupils. Lack of Creativity Learners normally live in less supportive ( for instruction ) household and societal ambiance in stuff, emotional and fiscal footings. Most of them are first coevals scholars. They prefer to utilize the age old readymade notes for the scrutiny to go through. The pupils are non tapped to utilize their creativeness. Teacher ‘s and Student ‘s Regional Dialect impacting proper pronunciation This is a really important job with most of the instructors learning English. When the instructors try to talk English, they carry their ain regional idiom into English. They have trouble in pronunciation and are non cautious about the emphasis and modulation of their ain address. They teach wrong phonic written texts, pronunciation, emphasis and modulation to the pupils. A big figure of instructors learning at school degree are unqualified. They have small thought of right use and none at all of right pronunciation. Their vocabulary is every bit limited as their reading. They are non familiar with the usage of modern learning techniques. Though the text books prescribe for different categories are skill-oriented, instructors are non equal plenty to learn them. The frequent alterations made in the policy sing English by the province and cardinal authorities has besides proved to be greatly damaging to the instructors and scholars of the linguistic communication. Teaching Aidss Class room learning AIDSs and stuffs are by and large in short supply in schools, non to speak of audio-visual AIDSs like tape recording equipments, lingua phone programmes of movie strips. In some instances even pieces of chalk and black board are hard to obtain. Examinations It is a commiseration that most of the scrutinies are in content oriented instead than skill-oriented. If at all any accomplishment is required to be displayed by the testers, it is their writing ability. Though reading, listening and talking accomplishments are given in the text books, they are neglected wholly in the scrutinies. With the constitution of organic structures like National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ) , National course of study has gained popularity and being progressively adopted by more and more provinces. Many of these syllabi provide adequate range for the development of the scholar ‘s abilities. However, the strangeness of the English instructor with both the purposes and aims of these course of studies and their usage about ever succeeds in get the better ofing the very intents for which they were ab initio framed. Teacher ‘s instruction is one major country which needs drastic alterations if quality instructors are to go available to develop the English linguistic communication accomplishments of the pupil. How to cite Functioning Of Municipal Schools Education Essay, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ephesians Essay Example For Students

Ephesians Essay Ephesians is to the epistles what John is to the Gospels: the most exalted and universal of them all. Paul probably wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon from prison in Rome around AD 60 or 62. Ephesians seems to be a letter for all the churches in the region Asia Minor), for it mentions no specific controversies in any local church. Instead, its topic is universal. Totally universal, in fact: We might call it Pauls treatise on the cosmic Christ. Ephesians, like life, is really only about one thing: Christ. But we can distinguish at least 12 sub themes. The Epistle to the Ephesians, along with those letters to the Philippians, the Colossians, and Philemon, is a Christological Epistle. Careful examination unfolds the grandeur and the glory of the Person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. While it is true that this book of six chapters is a treatment of the design and destiny of the Church, we must be careful to observe that the Church has her calling and consummation in Christ. All of her blessings are in Him. All of the purposes of God toward the Church are related to the Lord Jesus Christ, so that the Church, in its calling as an organism and in its conduct as an organization, is seen from the Christocentric standpoint. The most significant phrase in the epistle is made up of the two words, in Christ. If one is not in Christ he can know nothing experientially of these spiritual blessings. The doctrinal teaching of this epistle is very little more than a development of the single expression, in Christ. Except a man is in Christ, he can claim none of the blessings of God as his redemption rights. We cannot by-pass Jesus Christ to get to God. The letter states that it is from Paul, writing from prison, however some commentators are not convinced due to its difference in style, different use of words (such as church), and theological differences from other Pauline letters. Due to these controversies, the date of the authorship of this letter is not clear, although it was probably written before 95 AD, perhaps as early as 62 AD. If it wasnt written by Paul himself, it was certainly written by a Jewish Christian who was a devoted admirer of Paul. The book does not have the form of a letter in the strict sense, since it does not address any local issues or problems, or a particular groups of Christians. It may have been a compilation of Pauline texts designed to introduce Pauline theology, and as such were circulated to a number of churches for teaching. Ephesians is almost definitely a later expansion of Colossians, since they are so similar in structure and theology, but quite different from Pauls earlier letters; Ephesians was probably written to serve as a cover letter for an early collection of Pauline letters. Ephesians is the least personal of Pauls letters. The standard epistolary elements of opening greeting (1:1-2), blessing (1:3-14), thanksgiving (1:15-23), body (2:16:20), and final greeting (6:23-24) are all formal. The letter is almost devoid of references to the circumstances of either the writer or the readers. About Paul, we learn only that he is a prisoner. He does not know the community firsthand but has only heard of its faith in the Lord Jesus and love toward all the saints. No community crisis seems to have motivated the writing of the letter; its two brief references to false teaching serve as warnings against the possibility, rather than actuality, of deviance. The only person mentioned by name is Tychichus who appears, as in Colossians, to be the one delivering personal news from Paul. .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .postImageUrl , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:hover , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:visited , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:active { border:0!important; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:active , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Christology EssayThis would indeed be a strange document if written by Paul to a church where, according to Acts, he had spent over two years. From reading Ephesians you can tell that the author doesnt have the impression of intimacy for the church he spent over two years. The evidence suggests that Ephesians is a letter generated not by the immediate circumstances of Paul or a specific community crisis, but by the desire to communicate the implications of his mission to a wider circle of gentile churches. Ephesians is stylistically